机构英文名称:China Life Insurance Company Limited Guangzhou Branch
中国人寿广州市分公司是系统内经营体量最大的地市级分公司,也是广州保险市场最大的寿险公司之一。2021年,公司自营总保费达成155.2亿元,同比增长7.7%(连续5年企稳百亿级平台);年度纳税额突破1.75亿元,同比基本持平;为广州市民提供超6.6万亿元风险保障,服务客户超1000万人,理赔超98万人,给付理赔金等超30亿元。企业年金管理资产超200亿元。机构方面,下设21个四级机构,63个经营服务网点,覆盖全市11个行政区。人员方面,现有从业人员近1.5万人,其中内勤人员约850人;共有746名党员,其中在岗党员367人,营销员党员252人,退休党员111人,劳务派遣及外包党员16人,营销员党员纳入支部管理的有58 人,纳入功能型党支部管理的有194人。体量方面,截至目前,我公司2022年自营总保费超94亿元,市场份额暂列广州第一。公司坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,持续以“把保障送进千家万户,为幸福广州保驾护航”为宗旨,致力为社会最广泛的大众提供优质的保险产品和服务。
bilished in 1949, China Life is the same age with the the People’s Republic of China.
In the past few years, China Life has grown from a single insurance company to a comprehensive finance group company, covering a number of areas such as life insurance, property insurance, enterprise annuity, overseas business, asset management, public funds, industrial investment, electronic commerce ect.
China Life Insurance Company Ltd., subsidiary of China Life Group, is one of the leading enterprises in the domestic life insurance industry. In the year 2003, China Life Insurance Company Ltd., listed simultaneously in New York and Hongkong block market. In 2007, with our return to the Shanghai stock market, we became the first insurance company listed in New York, Hongkong and Shanghai.
In 2018, China Life ranked 42 in Fortune Global 500, the 16st year being on the list. In the same year, our total assets reached as much as 3.2 trillion yuan, annual premium income 535.826 billion yuan, which ranked the front in the life insurance industry of China.