机构英文名称:Sun Life Everbright Life


广东分公司是光大永明人寿保险有限公司在全国开设的第六家省级分公司。2008年8月19日广州分公司获批开业,2010年8月20日正式更名为广东分公司。截至2021年7月,分公司在广东省内下辖12家地市级机构,其中三级地市中心支公司10家,呈珠三角与非珠三角区域均衡布局;四级营销服务部2家。 自成立以来,分公司始终秉承“先做对、再做好”“合规优先”的经营理念,围绕落实“有价值有特色”发展战略,坚持党建引领、坚持协同发展、坚持创新驱动,强化队伍建设、强化风险管控、强化作风建设,改革转型成效显著,各方面发展系统领先。先后获得“广东保险业最佳创新奖”、“先进分公司奖”、“杰出领导力奖”、“集团联动工作先进单位”和“模范职工之家”等荣誉表彰30余项,培养涌现了一批“全国金融青年服务明星”、“杰出保险经理人”、“优秀经理”、“五四青年奖章”、“金融服务能手”、“金融服务标兵”、“优秀共产党员”和“优秀工会干部”,并在首届广东保险学术年会上获颁“优秀研究成果二等奖”。 未来,广东分公司将大力弘扬“家园”“阳光”“崇商”“担当”文化,立足“湾区所向”、“光大所能”,把握粤港澳大湾区建设机遇,积极投身集团E-SBU“大健康、大养老”产业平台建设,倾力打造光大“名店”“名品”“名星”,依法合规、稳健经营,努力实现做大做强、高质量跨越式发展,矢志做一家有价值有特色、有社会担当和百姓情怀、有温度和美誉度的央企金融机构,助力当地经济社会发展和民生事业。


Guangdong branch is the sixth provincial branch of Sun Life Everbright Life. in China. On August 19, 2008, Guangzhou Branch was approved to open, and on August 20, 2010, it was officially renamed as Guangdong branch. As of July 2021, the branch has jurisdiction over 12 prefecture level and municipal level organizations in Guangdong Province, including 10 three-level City Center branches, which are in a balanced layout between the Pearl River Delta and non Pearl River Delta regions; There were 2 fourth level marketing service departments. Since its establishment, the branch has always adhered to the business philosophy of ""doing the right thing first, then doing it well"" and ""compliance first"". Focusing on the implementation of the development strategy of ""having value and characteristics"", it has adhered to the leadership of Party building, coordinated development, innovation driven, strengthened team building, risk control and style construction, achieved remarkable reform and transformation results, and led the development system in all aspects. It has won more than 30 honorary awards such as ""Best Innovation Award of Guangdong insurance industry"", ""advanced branch Award"", ""outstanding leadership award"", ""advanced unit of group linkage work"" and ""home of model employees"". It has cultivated and emerged a number of ""national young financial service stars"", ""outstanding insurance managers"", ""excellent managers"", ""May 4th Youth Medal"", ""financial service experts"", ""financial service pacesetters"" ""Excellent Communist Party member"" and ""excellent trade union cadre"", and won the ""second prize of excellent research achievements"" at the first Guangdong insurance academic annual meeting.