机构英文名称:Payment & Clearing Association of China
中国支付清算协会(Payment & Clearing Association of China,缩写为“PCAC”)成立于2011年5月23日,是经国务院同意、民政部批准成立,并在民政部登记注册的全国性非营利社会团体法人,是中国支付清算服务行业自律组织。协会业务主管单位为中国人民银行。会址设在北京。
Founded on May 23, 2011, Payment & Clearing Association of China (pcac) is a national non-profit social organization legal person approved by the State Council, approved by the Ministry of civil affairs, and registered with the Ministry of civil affairs. It is a self regulatory organization of China's payment and clearing service industry. The competent unit of the association is the people's Bank of China. The venue is in Beijing.
All banking financial institutions and financial companies with independent legal personality approved by the China Banking Regulatory Commission, payment and clearing institutions approved by the people's Bank of China and other relevant regulatory departments, non-financial institutions that have obtained the payment business license issued by the people's Bank of China, and other legal person institutions that meet the requirements of the association may apply to join the China payment and clearing Association as member units. With the approval of the relevant regulatory authorities, the payment and clearing associations of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) registered with the civil affairs department can apply to join the China payment and clearing Association as associate member units if they recognize the articles of association of China payment and clearing Association.
Payment & Clearing Association of China is the member congress, which is composed of all member units participating in the association. The executive body of the general assembly is the Council, which is responsible for the general assembly of members. The Council is responsible for leading the daily work of the association when the member congress is not in session. When the Council is not in session, the Standing Council shall exercise the functions of the Council. The association has a board of supervisors, consisting of a chairman of the board of supervisors and several supervisors.
The daily office of China payment and clearing association is the Secretariat. The Secretariat has set up 10 departments, namely, general affairs department, policy research and publicity department, law and rights protection department, member and training department, business coordination department I, business coordination Department II, business coordination Department III, technology and Standards Department, statistics and information department and anti fraud laboratory. According to work needs, China payment and clearing association has established nine working (Professional) committees, including bank card based payment Working Committee, prepaid card working committee, network payment application working committee, mobile payment Working Committee, technical standard working committee, Bill Working Committee, financial technology professional committee, swift user Professional Committee and anti fraud working committee.
China payment and clearing Association aims to promote the realization of the common interests of its members, abide by the national constitution, laws, regulations and economic and financial policies, abide by social ethics, conduct self-discipline management on the payment and clearing service industry, maintain the competitive order of the payment and clearing service market and the legitimate rights and interests of its members, prevent payment and clearing risks, and promote the healthy development of the payment and clearing service industry.